New Parents Perspective
I am so excited to finally be sharing Brayden’s newborn photos with you all from this past January. Better now than never, am I right? I cannot believe how fast time goes when you are raising a little one… I’m sure it’ll be even crazier once there are more kiddos in the mix! Anyways, I cannot thank Liz Cook Photography enough for taking these gorgeous images of our sweet family and our baby boy. I cannot believe in 5 short, but sweet months, Brayden will be ONE! Which means we will be back in her studio for his birthday photos!! Eeek!! SOOOO excited to see her again so soon and celebrate our little man. 🙂 And watch him eat cake, haha!

Off To a Late Start
I don’t know about you all, but when you have/had a newborn in your home, time seems to slip away… Many of you know how Type A I am and how much of a planner I am… It broke my heart when we woke up the morning of our session to find that our alarms never went off!! Or maybe they did and our sleep-deprived/new-parent brains turned them off?! UGH! I immediately texted Liz, freaking out, and told her that we were on our way. We were like 40 minutes late!! And I was supposed to be getting my hair and makeup done. Guys, I was freaking out. And we were driving 3 HOURS away with a 3 week old.

Things Started To Look Up
Luckily, we arrived at Liz’s studio in Forest, Virginia and her hair & makeup artist started on my hair & makeup immediately. Y’all, she got my hair AND makeup done in what seemed like 20 minutes or less. And just look how good it looked!! I was soooo impressed and forever grateful that she was able to work a miracle and still be able to stay to prep me for our session AND make it to her next appointment on time. Thank you SO much love!!
While she was doing my hair & makeup, Liz snuggled, swaddled, shushed, and took the most beautiful images of our sweet baby boy ever. She is a magician because we were still in that “new parent phase”/”how the heck do we get this child to go to sleep phase”. When we walked in, I told her that he doesn’t sleep well, so we were BLOWN AWAY when she almost immediately was able to.

Cluster Feeding
I don’t know how many of you mamas have had to deal with this, but Brayden was majorly cluster feeding the day of our session. Luckily, Liz was so patient and made sure to schedule time into the session for feedings. Because I’m not joking guys, it was like a 3-3.5 hour session because he ate like 3-4 times. Poor thing!!

The Magician At Work
I’m not joking when I tell you all that Liz is a magician. She’s incredible!!! She was able to take two VERY stressed, overwhelmed, and uncomfortable new parents and make them look pretty stunning in our newborn photos!! And she was able to easily put Brayden back to sleep when he would wake up (I’m talking like 30+ times y’all). She’s a baby whisperer and I’m so grateful to have had the experience that we did with her in her home studio!
Once she was done photographing Brayden swaddled up all by himself, she photographed each of us with Brayden, then all of us together. Then, we changed into our more comfy/natural clothes and hopped onto the bed! Which she moved across the floor all by herself with ease! I was astonished at her strength, but then realized it was an air mattress. But I was still so impressed because it looked soooo heavy!! I definitely would’ve been no help because I was still so out of shape from giving birth.

Almost Done
We finished up the session and almost forgot this cute little outfit we bought for him, so we grabbed a few more photos before we were on our way home! Liz so willingly took a few more for us and I will be forever grateful to have these images of our little man. Brayden’s newborn photos could not have turned out better! Thank you so much Liz – we truly cannot thank you enough, and we can’t wait to see you this Fall for Brayden’s birthday photos!!
All images taken by Liz Cook Photography located in Forest, Virginia
Keep scrolling to view more of Brayden’s Newborn Photos!
Brayden’s Newborn Photos

All images taken by Liz Cook Photography located in Forest, Virginia
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