The Family
In-home family sessions are becoming one of my new favorite things to photograph! Especially when it’s one of my best friends’ families! Today’s blog post is highlighting The Doggett Family’s Fredericksburg Virginia in-home family photos. Meet Kristina, Josh, and baby Bryce!! Oh, and we mustn’t forget Mr. Archer!! These three have a special place in my heart, so when Kristina & I decided to do session swaps, I couldn’t contain my excitement!! You probably already know Kristina for one of a few reasons: 1. She is one of my best friends!! 2. She is one of my main second photographers, so she spends a lot of time with me at weddings!! 3. She lives in Fredericksburg too, and our lives are very intertwined!!
Kristina and Josh decorated Bryce’s nursery before he was born and I got sooooo excited seeing her build it leading up to his birth. They spent months of planning and decorating. Bryce’s nursery turned out phenomenal and I absolutely love the theme! It’s fox themed and just the cutest ever. I adore every piece they’ve included in his room. From his cute orange little “BRYCE” sign on his bookshelf, the fox rug & blanket, or even the little tassels on his crib. Full disclaimer: no, Bryce does not sleep with those on his crib and they are very award of the hazard it poses! Completely for decoration and photo purposes. 😉
Their Story
Kristina and Josh have been together almost ELEVEN YEARS. That is insane to me, because when I first met Kristina, it wasn’t nearly that long! That tends to happen as time passes by, haha. But I still can’t believe we’ve been friends for so long. I’ve adored watching their relationship grow over the years. Of course, every couple goes through their up’s and down’s. Kristina & Josh got engaged at a hot air balloon festival years ago, married at a beautiful farm, and brought their first baby boy into this world this past June 30th. Bryce and I share half-birthday’s and that’s something I’m so excited to celebrate with him through the years!!
The Session
Choosing a date to do our in-home session swap proved to be extremely tough. You think coordinating schedules with two moms is hard? Try coordinating two moms’ schedules who are both also full-time photographers, one has another full-time job, and so do both of their husbands!! We figured it out though, and the wait was so worth it!! I absolutely adore our in-home pictures, which I’ll make sure to share soon. I’m so excited to share Kristina, Josh, Bryce, and Archer’s in-home pictures with you all!! Just look how sweet they are.
Bryce is going to be such a HAM when he grows up, y’all. I cannot wait to watch his personality grow. Why? Because as soon as I got there, his eyes went STRAIGHT to my camera. He rolled around the bed and was chatting away (not real words, of course – just cute baby babbles). He did so good throughout the session. You know who else did a killer job?! Archer. I am so proud of that little guy. Just kidding – he’s not a little guy, he’s a BIG guy. Anyways, Archer was Kristina and Josh’s first baby, so we were all a little worried he’d be jealous with Bryce. But he does sooooo good around baby Bryce. He even sat in a chair with him and let Bryce tug on his ears, eyes, lips, etc. SUCH A GOOD PUP!!
We spent the morning rolling around in bed, and throughout baby Bryce’s nursery. He loves books, eating his hands (it’s teething time, y’all), flying in the air, and giggling. He has the funniest baby laugh and I could listen to it all day long. Meet the Doggett family y’all!! Aren’t they the cutest?!
Fredericksburg Virginia In-Home Family Photos